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How To Choose The Best Pedestrian Accident Attorney


How To Choose The Best Pedestrian Accident Attorney

How To Choose The Best Pedestrian Accident Attorney

Table of Contents

  • Finding the Best Pedestrian Accident Lawyer
  • Interview Multiple Lawyers
  • Why You Need a Pedestrian Accident Attorney
  • Frequently Asked Questions

Some of the worst accident cases, as you can imagine, involve pedestrians. Pedestrians are completely exposed and can sustain many injuries when hit by a car. If you have been involved in a pedestrian accident, you want to find the best pedestrian accident attorney near you to help. Every state has many injury lawyers to choose from. Finding the right one for you may take a little effort, but is worth it in the long run.

Finding the Best Pedestrian Accident Lawyer

Not all personal injury attorneys are the same. When looking for a lawyer to take your case, you need to make sure that they have the experience to handle your case while being able to guide you through the medical and legal process. Here’s what to look for.

Seek an Experienced Lawyer

You want more than just a lawyer who has experience in personal injury; you want a lawyer who has experience specifically with pedestrian accidents. Personal injury attorneys can cover a wide range of accidents, but someone with experience in pedestrian incidents will know the laws specific to those injuries. Ask the attorney how many pedestrians they’ve represented so that you are comfortable in their abilities.

Ask About Their Success Rate

Along with experience is the lawyer’s success rate. Find out how many cases they have won (or successfully settled) and lost regarding pedestrians. Of those cases that they won, what was the award amount? This will give you critical insights and set the expectations of what you can expect during your case. An attorney with a strong track record will be able to offer you insights about your case and set the tone of how much you can expect in an award.

Ask for Referrals

Whether these are past clients or other attorneys, you want to get a sense of the attorney’s reputation. When an attorney has satisfied clients, that’s a good sign for you. If other attorneys are recommending them, this is a feather in the cap of the attorney you are meeting with. An attorney unable or unwilling to provide references is likely someone you want to stay away from.

Works on Contingency

Don’t pay a personal injury attorney an hourly fee. Reputable accident attorneys will work on a contingency basis. This means that they won’t take any money from you directly; they get paid from the award proceeds. This lowers the risk for you to retain an attorney and get someone working on your behalf.

Average contingency rates start at around 33%, but may be higher if the case is complex or progresses to a lawsuit or trial. You’ll typically also pay out-of-pocket costs such as court filing fees, and this may be paid up front or deducted from your recovery at the end of the case. Your lawyer should explain the fee structure to you and give you a written fee agreement.

Choose Someone You Get Along With

While you might feel that getting a bulldog to fight on your behalf is all you need, don’t overlook the fact that you should have chemistry with this person. They will be part of your life for months, if not years, and are privy to very personal information. Take the time to find someone who you gel with and feel that you can talk to. There will be instances when you are frustrated about the process and it’s important to feel heard in those trying times.

Interview Multiple Lawyers

Since reputable attorneys work on contingency and offer free consultations, there is no reason to not meet with three or four before you make a final decision. Use the consultation to ask the pertinent questions about experience and expectations. In those conversations, get a sense of who you have the most chemistry with and which lawyer you feel will do the best job for you.

Why You Need a Pedestrian Accident Attorney

While it is possible to negotiate a settlement on your own, an attorney has more experience in navigating the legal avenues to get you a settlement. They will also focus on extras like lost wages and pain and suffering. Ultimately, the lawyer takes the stress of negotiation off of you so that you can focus on recuperating.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Can I claim compensation in a pedestrian accident?
  • Does car insurance cover you if you hit a pedestrian?
  • How is pain and suffering calculated?
  • Should I get a lawyer for an accident that was my fault?

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